Steam Prank Gone Wrong In The Hood

So I was in steam playing some Carl on Duty: Black Cops and then a steam admin added me and asked if I wanted to beta-test some new steam features so I was like Hell Ja! (I was a german back then) so he said press Shift-D and I did and my library DISAPPEARED! He said press Shift-R so I did and my games came back. I asked why this feature would be relevant and he said "YOU ARE GOING TO DIE NEXT WEEK YOU ARE NEXT!" and I saw some new horrid games such as "Day One Guh guh Garry's Incident, Rambo The Video Game and Walking Dead Survival Instinct" and said "YOU MUST PLAY THESE GAMES AND GIVE THEM A POSITIVE REVIEW" and so I did. After I played 200 hours of Guh Guh Garry's Incident, 10 hours of Rambo and 350 hours in Survival Instinct I gave them positive reviews. Then the guy said "WHOA BRO ITS JUST A PRANK! ITS JUST A PRANK, look theres the cameras right there!"